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auditable has many area’s of where it can be overridden. For most of these there is a default provider.

The key part to understand is that auditable makes use of the IoC container (using the dotnet core abstractions)

This means you can easily override any part of auditable.

Things you may want to override


we have several collectors which augment the audit entry with extra information

  • Environment - host and application instance
  • Initiator - User which the request is running under
  • EntityId - Gets the ID of the object root
  • Request - trace id


Constructs the audit entry into a serialized string, if you need a custom log message then look into this area

note that the Parser makes most use of the collectors.


where the log entry is written to, the default is console (which is for testing and getting started, please use another)

How to override

there are a few ways

Create a Extension ✔️

its probably best to look directly at the code for the ASPNET implementation

It is a quick way to access the container, but looks a bit more natural to an end consumer.

Register your overriding type last

A more manual method, consider if you want to add your own way of collecting the Environment, just implement the interface and register after you have registered all of the auditable components

auditable will then make use of your implementation.

Provided Extensions

  • File Writer

where possible we will document them in the features section if they are owned by us.