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Marking as Read

Proving that someone has accessed a Target can be very important, so lets see how we cna do that.

you will need to have a AuditableContext, check the docs for Creating Context.

2 ways to add a target as being READ.

Adding the instance as a target

  • 1️⃣ Read the object
  • 2️⃣ Add it to the auditing context
var person = _documentSession.GetById("123"); // 1️⃣
await using var auditContext = _auditable.CreateContext("Person.Read");
auditContext.WatchTargets(person); // 2️⃣ 

This will write the following in the Auditable Log

  • 1️⃣ The entry be Observed, auditable will confirm that the state of person did not change
  • 2️⃣ Audit of the Target will be set to Read
"Targets": [
        "Type": "Auditable.AspNetCore.Tests.Person",
        "Id": "123",
        "Delta": null,
        "Style": "Observed", // 1️⃣
        "Audit": "Read" // 2️⃣ 

Explicitly adding the target via its ID.

if you know that the target was only read, then use this to tell this information to auditable

  • 1️⃣ tell auditable that this object was read.
await using var auditContext = _auditable.CreateContext("Person.Read");
auditContext.Read<Person>("123"); // 1️⃣

This will write the following in the Auditable Log

  • 1️⃣ The entry be Explicit, auditable did not have to figure it out
  • 2️⃣ Audit of the Target will be set to Read
"Targets": [
        "Type": "Auditable.AspNetCore.Tests.Person",
        "Id": "123",
        "Delta": null,
        "Style": "Explicit", // 1️⃣
        "Audit": "Read" // 2️⃣ 