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All Auditng happens withing a context.

It has

  • a Name
  • the collection of targets being observed


Before you do anything you need to create a context, you can do this by injecting Auditable into your class, then in the method you can create a context using the _auditable.CreateContext("name.of.context");

2 ways to write to the log

via using ✔️

Recommended way, this will automatically write on the successful completion of tasks (within the IDispose scope)

On exception, no auditable logs are written.

explicit write()

if you want to have full control then you can call write() yourself.

Example Code

The example below shows how to inject and use the contect within a using scope

  • 1️⃣ inject
  • 2️⃣ create contect, with a meaningful name
  • 3️⃣ add targets to the context, and do work
  • 4️⃣ end of the using scope, this is when the auditable log will be evaluated and written
public class TestController :  Controller
    private readonly IAuditable _auditable;
    private readonly ILogger<TestController> _logger;

    public TestController(
        IAuditable auditable, // 1️⃣
        ILogger<TestController> logger)
        _auditable = auditable;
        _logger = logger;

    public async Task<ActionResult> Get()
        await using var auditContext = _auditable.CreateContext("test.get"); // 2️⃣ 
        auditContext.Read<Person>("123"); // 3️⃣
        _logger.LogInformation("called the get method, and did some awesome things");
        // 4️⃣
        return new OkResult();