Writing to File
Writing auditable entries using the File
writer. This will
- write 1 file per audit entry
- allow the application to set the audit directory and file name
- will throw an exception if the file cannot be written
When to use
If you have no database or any thing else which can act as the primary Unit-of-work
Writers are setup during the Application HostBuilder.
- 1️⃣ Register the File Writer
- 2️⃣ Example of settings the file name.
var builder = Host
.ConfigureAuditable(conf =>
conf.UseWriter<File>() // 1️⃣
options.GetFileName = (id, action) => // 2️⃣
Code.Require(()=> !string.IsNullOrEmpty(id), nameof(id));
var date = SystemDateTime.UtcNow.ToString("yyyy-MM-dd-H-mm-ss");
return $"{date}_{id}.auditable";