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Marking as Removed

We can record a target as being removed

You will need to have a AuditableContext, check the docs for Creating Context.

Explicitly removing the target via its ID.

Only your code will know if the target was removed, so in this case we can easily let auditable know

  • 1️⃣ tell auditable that this object was removed.
await using var auditContext = _auditable.CreateContext("Person.Read");
auditContext.Removed<Person>("123"); // 1️⃣

This will write the following in the Auditable Log

  • 1️⃣ The entry be Explicit
  • 2️⃣ Audit of the Target will be set to Removed
"Targets": [
        "Type": "Auditable.AspNetCore.Tests.Person",
        "Id": "123",
        "Delta": null,
        "Style": "Explicit", // 1️⃣
        "Audit": "Removed" // 2️⃣ 