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Job Handler.

This is the mechanism in which we apply logic for Job Types (the logic which handles the Job)


Laters uses the Job Type in order to select the correct handler. And you should consider using 1 Handler per Job Type.


If a job of Type Hello, has been queued up to be processed

each action has a few things you need to consider to apply logic while processing jobs.

  • 1️⃣ - implement the IJobHandler<T> interface, where <T> is the Job Type
  • 2️⃣ - dependency injection
  • 3️⃣ - implement Execute, which takes in 2 objects
    • context - this is the job that is being processed any any additional context.
using Laters.ClientProcessing;

public class HelloJobHandler : IJobHandler<Hello> // 1️⃣
    private readonly ILogger<HelloJobHandler> _logger;

    // 2️⃣
    public HelloJobHandler(ILogger<HelloJobHandler> logger)
        _logger = logger;
    // 3️⃣
    public async Task Execute(JobContext<Hello> jobContext)
        var name = jobContext.Payload.Name;
        _logger.LogInformation("hello {Name}", name);
        await Task.CompletedTask;



Handlers are registered under Scoped with the IoC container.

there are 2 ways to register Handlers

  • AutoScanning - Recommended (it's just simpler)
  • Manual



Annotate any handler with [Ignore], which you do not want to auto scan

This will scan the currently running Application for all the Handlers.

  • 1️⃣ - Apply the ConfigureLaters located on the HostBuilder
  • 2️⃣ - ScanForJobHandlers will auto-wire any IJobHandler<T> in the running application, you can provide the assembly to scan.

builder.WebHost.ConfigureLaters((context, setup) =>


Inform the pipeline of this action.

If you prefer you can wire up Handler manually, one by one.

  • 1️⃣ - Apply the ConfigureLaters located on the HostBuilder
  • 2️⃣ - AddJobHandler against any JobHandler you would like to register.
builder.WebHost.ConfigureLaters((context, setup) =>


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