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Global Many For Later - CRON


You must provide the ID for a ManyForLater

Global CRON jobs are setup at the application scope (at startup)

They are seen in the global (cross cutting) scope. (if you require to setup a cron for a particular item, then check out ManyForLater).


By implementing the GlobalSchedules interface, we can define global cron jobs, at appplication startup.

  • 1️⃣ - this is the set of Global Cron Jobs, if we remove one, it will delete it.
public class GlobalSchedules : GlobalSchedules
    public void Configure(IScheduleCron scheduleCron)
        var midnight = "0 0 * * *";
        // 1️⃣
        scheduleCron.ManyForLater("joiners", new HelloNewPeople(),  midnight); 
        scheduleCron.ManyForLater("leavers", new ByeToTheLeavers(),  midnight);

once a CRON job has been created, it will initiate the first job (which will be delayed execution, to the fisrt occourance of the CRON schedule).

The Payload

Similar to ForLater, the payload new HelloNewPeople() in the example, is important as this is passed into the Handler, to prodive it all the information it rquires to execute.

app.MapHandler<HelloNewPeople>(async (JobContext<HelloNewPeople> ctx) =>
   //the HelloNewPeople object is passed into the handler, via the JobContext.


In order to register the GlobalSchedules class from the example above

  • 1️⃣ - Apply the ConfigureLaters located on the HostBuilder
  • 2️⃣ - AddSetupSchedule against any GlobalSchedules you would like to register. (you can register many).
builder.WebHost.ConfigureLaters((context, setup) =>


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