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Many For Later - CRON

This allows you to enqueue work which happens multiple times (such as every wednesday), defined use the Cron Syntax

there are a few commands we can do, here are some to give you a feel of the API.

ManyForLater - Configure Dynamically

In any part of your code, within a transaction, you can setup a CRON job

var midnight = "0 0 * * *";
schedule.ManyForLater("greetings", new Hello { Name = "dave" },  midnight)

once a CRON job has been created, it will initiate the first job (which will be delayed execution, to the fisrt occourance of the CRON schedule).

The Payload

Similar to ForLater, the payload new Hello { Name = "dave" } in the example, is important as this is passed into the Handler, to prodive it all the information it rquires to execute.

app.MapHandler<Hello>(async (JobContext<Hello> ctx) =>
   //the hello object is passed into the handler, via the JobContext.

ForgetAboutIt - Removing the CRON


There is an option to keep or delete orphined tasks, as a CRON will always have 1 task (the next) waiting to be processed.

This will allow you to delete any CRON job you have setup


Apache2 Licensed