ForLater - Fire-Forget and delayed.
checks the datastore every 3 seconds, this can be over-ridden.
This mechanism allows you to queue work (a single instance) to be processed now on another process/thread, or delay it to Laters
(to a DateTime).
There are a few commands we can do, here are some to give you a feel of the API.
ForLater - ASAP.
the job id is returned, incase you need to reference it
This will queue work to happen as soon as possible.
schedule.ForLater(new Hello { Name = "dave" } )
The Payload.
The payload new Hello { Name = "dave" }
in the example, is important as this is passed into the `Handler, to produce all the information it requires to execute.
app.MapHandler<Hello>(async (JobContext<Hello> ctx) =>
//the hello object is passed into the handler, via the JobContext.
ForLater - Delayed.
Same as the example before, however, we can supply a DateTime
of when we want to process the one message.
var whenToProcess = new DateTime(2032, 01, 02, 12,12, 12);
schedule.ForLater(new Hello { Name = "dave" }, whenToProcess)
ForgetAboutIt - Removing a Job.
using the JobId
which is returned from Laters
you can delete jobs, as follows: